This blog is what it's named - my writer's notebook. All my thoughts, tidbits of inspiration and ideas are culminated here. If you like reading creative pieces or random thought splatter, this is the blog for you. Skip around as much as you like, no matter where you start or end, it will all make as little or as much sense as it would in order.

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Wrinkle in Time

          Yesterday I started re-reading Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time". I forgot how much I loved that book. I read it a few years ago, so now reading it again, I more easily notice its flaws, but most of them are stylistic and merely my opinion. The book feels somewhat rushed to me, especially in the progression of relationships, like the one between Meg and Calvin. The two quickly become friends and something more - not quite lovers, but romantic - shortly after meeting. However, I suspect that L'Engle didn't accidentally make the relationship so easy. It seems stylistic to me. I think that L'Engle may have been trying to get across a point about soul mates, or just relationships that are meant to be. Calvin and Meg's relationship moves quickly out of a natural ease, rather than an impatience, which makes me believe that there is a connection between them that was already there, even if it can't be explained.
         Also, I think my favorite thing about "A Wrinkle in Time" is the perspective Madeleine L'Engle gives. Not necessarily Meg's perspective, but the way the book makes the reader look at the world. That's what I like most about it. It makes me look at the world in a more supernatural way, recognizing the things I can't understand and accepting that just because I don't understand them doesn't mean they don't have explanations. This is a point that is stated outright, I believe by Meg's mother, early in the book. It's a freeing truth that allows my imagination to fly in a way that it hasn't in too long.
          I look forward to finishing the book soon and finding out what happens to Meg's father (I don't remember, I read the book too long ago).

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