This blog is what it's named - my writer's notebook. All my thoughts, tidbits of inspiration and ideas are culminated here. If you like reading creative pieces or random thought splatter, this is the blog for you. Skip around as much as you like, no matter where you start or end, it will all make as little or as much sense as it would in order.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Forgive Me

          "Brant?" Cordelia said.
          "How did your mother die?"
          Brant stopped poking the fire. He stared into it.
          "She was killed by a river elf. A Turkis River Elf," Brant paused. "She was visiting their village to sign a treaty of peace. The first one ever made between river and fire elves. She was approaching the village with her guards and some idiot sentry thought they were coming to attack. He shot her twice before he was stopped." Brant sighed, continuing.
          "A war nearly broke out because of it. But, the leader of the Turkis River Elves at the time, handed the boy responsible over to my father in exchange for his cooperation in continuing with the treaty my mother had wanted. The boy was publicly executed and the treaty signed."
          Brant stopped, letting out a deep breath. He returned to poking the fire.
          Cordelia couldn't look at him.
          "I'm sorry."
          "It's not your fault," Brant said.
          "How can - " Cordelia shook her head. "How come you don't hate me? How can you - " Cordelia stopped, trailing off. 
          Brant looked at her, confused. 
          "What do you mean? What are you talking about?"
          "You don't hate me? For what they did to your mother?"
          "Why would I?" Brant asked. "You had nothing to do with that."
          "What about the Turkis River Elves? How could you stand living among - "
          "Cordelia," Brant cut in. "It's not their fault either. It was a tragic mistake, my mother's death. I don't hate anyone because of it. Not even the guy who killed her." Brant whispered the last sentence, as if the words were so new to him that he didn't have the confidence to say them louder.
          Cordelia kept staring at him.
          "How can you forgive so easily? I still can't forgive your people for standing by and watching while mine died, " her voice choked. "I still can't forgive you for not doing something about it." Cordelia started crying, her tears dripping haphazardly to the ground while her shoulders shook.
          "I'm sorry," Brant said, holding his arms and shutting his eyes. He couldn't watch Cordelia cry. 
          Listening was worse.
          "Why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you try?" Cordelia sobbed.
          "Because I'm a coward," Brant answered bitterly. "Because I've grown up in a world of power, politics and manipulation - not one of justice or compassion. My gut reaction is to do what will look best. I didn't even do that. I just puked. I'm supposed to be the next leader of the largest civilization in Reich auf Glas and when my power was really needed - I puked. I didn't try to rally together my father's troops to fight the dark fairies, I didn't try to swim over myself. I didn't even try to defy my father - " Brant was in danger of tears now too, he was talking so quickly that he was gasping. "I'm a coward, Cordelia. A disgusting coward."
          Brant stood up quickly, storming away from the campsite while Cordelia cried. He punched a few trees while he walked, leaving fist-sized scorch marks. 
          He should have done something. Something. He didn't even tell the men to stop shooting at Cordelia while she swam away. He just watched. Watched and retched. Why had he been such a coward? He was the prince of the fire elves! One of the most powerful people in Reich auf Glas! How could he be so weak?
          Brant stopped - just before bursting an entire tree into flames. He was being a coward now. He'd left Cordelia just to cry by herself. Even if she hated him, why wasn't he trying to comfort her? 
          Brant turned around and ran back to the campsite, following his scorch marks. He found Cordelia, wandering just a bit away from their camp, also following the burn marks on the trees. She was still shaking and gasping, with red eyes and a wet face.
          "Brant," she choked.
          Brant grabbed her, pulling her close.
          "I'm sorry," He murmured, over and over. Then, 
          "I love you."
          Cordelia's sobs continued. "I believe you," she said. "I want to love you too."
          "It's okay if you don't," Brant whispered, rubbing Cordelia's hair. "You don't have to."
          "I want to," Cordelia persisted. "And to forgive you."
          "Okay," Brant said. "Okay."

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